Jon E. Wallevik

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Rheology of Particle Suspensions

J.E. Wallevik, Rheology of Particle Suspensions - Fresh Concrete, Mortar and Cement Paste with Various Types of Lignosulfonates (Ph.D.-thesis); Department of Structural Engineering, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2003, ISBN 82-471-5566-4, ISSN 0809-103X. (search for "Jon Elvar Wallevik") (in PDF format)


Description of fluid (what is a fluid?)

This text concern the explanation of why large particle systems (with dry or wet particles), like fresh concrete, rings of Saturn or sea ice floes, can be treated as a fluid with the same fundamental properties as for example water. Please click here to download.


Fortran 77

Here you can download a textbook about the Fortran 77 programming language as defined in the ANSI and ISO Standards. You can download the book either in postscript format or in a PDF format. This book is written by Clive G. Page (University of Leicester, UK) and was last updated 19th of January 2005. One of the attractions of Fortran 77 is that a high quality and free compiler exists in the form of GNU Fortran, known as g77 (Fortran 77) and gfortran (Fortran 77/9x).

g77 - Fedora screenshot

Screenshot of the g77 manual page.

Copyright © 2006 Jon E. Wallevik. All rights reserved.