Jon E. Wallevik

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Scholarship and prices
Employment history
Committees, memberships and others
Main areas of competence
Book chapters
Journal articles, conference papers and (open) reports


2003: degree in civil engineering (Rheology of Suspensions - Fresh concrete, mortar and cement paste). Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.

1998: M.Sc. in applied physics (Numerical simulations of sea ice deformation and flow on Icelandic waters). University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland (graduated with 1st class honors).

1995: B.Sc. in Physics (General Physics). University of Iceland, Reykjavik.


Scholarship, prices, invitations and etc.

2019: Invited speaker at the RheoCon2 Conference and SCC9 Symposium in September 2019 in Dresden, Germany; Topic: Various CFD simulations performed on the supercomputer Garpur (

2009: Invited speaker at the Nordic Rheology Conference 2009, Reykjavik, August 18-20; Title: The Particle Flow Interaction Theory.

2004: Invited speaker at the Nordic Rheology Conference 2004, Reykjavik, August 4-6; Title: Thixotropic behavior of cement pastes.

2003: Received the research price Norsk Betongforenings Forskningspris from the Norwegian Concrete Association (Norsk Betongforenings Forskningspris 2003).

1996: Received the NORDPLUS - Scholarship (see about NORDPLUS).


Employment history

2007 - to current date: Research Engineer at the Innovation Center Iceland, Building and Structural Technology, Department of Concrete Research; Reykjavik, Iceland

  1. Development of CFD solvers, using the OpenFOAM framework.
  2. Various CFD calculations in a supercomputer (at using OpenFOAM.
  3. Thixotropic behavior of the cement based material (using VVPF or OpenFOAM).
  4. Self Compacting Concrete (SCC), mixture proportioning and rheological characteristics.
  5. Quantification of stability for Self Compacting Concrete.
  6. Designing and testing of various flow geometries for the ConTec viscometers (development of rheological devices).
  7. ...

2004 - 2007: Research Engineer at NTNU, Department of Structural Engineering, Concrete Group; Trondheim, Norway

  1. Thixotropic behavior of the cement based material.
  2. Supervision of the laboratory work for the course TKT 4215 - Concrete technology 1.
  3. Rate of work calculations for the parallel plate viscometer.
  4. Self Compacting Concrete (SCC), mixture proportioning and rheological characteristics.
  5. ...

2003 - 2004: Research Engineer at the Icelandic Building Research Institute; Reykjavik, Iceland

  1. Investigation of the different test procedures used for self-compacting concrete.
  2. Shear rate evaluation inside the L-box, Slump flow, Orimet and other devices.
  3. One of the main local organizers of the Nordic Rheology Conference 2004, Reykjavik.
  4. Rheology of cement pastes used for thermal wells (temperature effects on filler modified cement paste).

2003: Research Engineer at SINTEF - Building and Infrastructure; Trondheim, Norway (formerly: SINTEF, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cement and Concrete)

  1. Rheological relationship between filler modified cement paste and fresh concrete, using polycarboxylate based superplasticizer (a high-range water-reducer).

1998 - 2003: Research fellow at NTNU, Department of Structural Engineering, Concrete Group; Trondheim, Norway

  1. Rheology of particle suspensions: Fresh concrete, mortar and cement paste.
  2. Effect of plasticizers and superplasticizers on rheological behavior of cement based material.
  3. Thixotropic behavior of cement paste.
  4. Heat of hydration and temperature development in concrete and mortar.
  5. Shear induced gravel migration inside the fresh concrete.

1995 - 1998: Research scientist at the Icelandic Meteorological Office; Reykjavik, Iceland

  1. Sea ice movement on Icelandic waters: Numerical simulations of sea ice deformation and flow.
  2. Energy flux calculations in the ESOP-project (European Subpolar Ocean Programme; MAS2 - CT93 - 0057).
  3. Calculation of Koch-index (indicator of climate changes at and near the North Atlantic Ocean).


Committees, memberships and others

2004 - to current date: Member of the Nordic Rheology Awards Committee, a group of the Nordic Rheology Society (see

2016 - to current date: Member of the RILEM task committee TC-266 (MRP).

2007 - 2014: Member of the RILEM task committee TC-222 (Simulation of fresh concrete flow).

2004 - to current date: Senior member of the RILEM organization (

Reviewed for the following journals (the list is not complete):

  1. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (Elsevier)
  2. ACI Materials Journal (ACI)
  3. Cement & Concrete Composites (Elsevier)
  4. Rheological Acta (Springer)
  5. Materials and Structures (RILEM)
  6. Construction & Building Materials (Elsevier)
  7. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management
  8. Applied Rheology
  9. Cement and Concrete Research (Elsevier)
  10. Nordic Concrete Research (Nordic Concrete Federation)

Main areas of competence

Fluid Mechanics - General Behavior of Flowing Materials

  1. Understanding and applications of the governing equation
  2. Understanding and application of complex constitutive models
  3. Coupling with different types of PDEs that governs the flow
  4. Reynolds transport th., Leibnitz, etc.
  5. Turbulent flow, sea ice flow, suspension flow, etc.
  6. Drift Flux Method (DFM)
  7. Volume of Fluid Method (VOF)
  8. ...

Computational Science (with FVM and FDM)

  1. Multi phase (by VOF and/or DFM), single phase 3D flow (OpenFOAM)
  2. Viscoplastic fluid flow in coaxial cylinders viscometer
  3. Flow of fluids with memory and thixotropic behavior
  4. Sea ice flow (with viscous-plastic material behavior)
  5. General 3D CFD with OpenFOAM (both standard and -ext)
  6. Paraview (post processing for OF, through VTK)
  7. ...

Material science - Rheology of suspension materials

  1. Rheological behavior of cement based materials
  2. Effect of admixtures on fresh concrete, mortar and cement paste
  3. Thixotropic behavior of cement paste
  4. Particle migration of suspensions
  5. Flow of cement based material inside viscometers
  6. ...

Applied Physics

  1. Rheology and non-Newtonian fluid mechanics
  2. Continuum mechanics
  3. ...

Programming (i.e. programs I have used so far)

  1. C++
  2. Octave/Matlab
  3. Fortran 77/90/95
  4. LaTex2e (incl. BibTex and REVTeX 4)
  5. bash (Unix shell)
  6. Python
  7. Gnuplot
  8. XHTML and CSS (just for this homepage; i.e. its hand written; not used any st. gui)
  9. VBA in Excel 2003


Book chapters

Numerical Errors in CFD and DEM Modeling; Authors: Jon Elvar Wallevik, Knut Krenzer, Jörg-Henry Schwabe; Publication date: 2014/1/1; Book title: Simulation of Fresh Concrete Flow; Publisher: Springer Netherlands

Computational Fluid Dynamics; Authors: Lars Thrane, Ana Bras, Paul Bakker, Wolfgang Brameshuber, Bogdan Cazacliu, Liberato Ferrara, Dimitri Feys, Mette Geiker, Annika Gram, Steffen Grünewald, Samir Mokeddem, Nicolas Roquet, Nicolas Roussel, Surendra Shah, Nathan Tregger, Stephan Uebachs, Frederick Van Waarde, Jon Elvar Wallevik, Publication date: 2014/1/1; Book title: Simulation of Fresh Concrete Flow; Publisher: Springer Netherlands


Journal articles, conference papers and (open) reports

[59] Jón Elvar Wallevik, Björn Hjartarson, Skuggarákir á yfirborði steinsteypu – greining með reiknilegri straumfræði, Sigmál - fréttabréf steinsteypufélags íslands, 1. tbl. 33 árgangur, Febrúar 2020.

[58] Jon E. Wallevik, Olafur H. Wallevik, Concrete mixing truck as a rheometer, Cement and Concrete Research, Volume 127, January 2020, 105930.

[57] K. Vasilic, A. Gram, J.E. Wallevik, Numerical simulation of fresh concrete flow: insight and challenges, RILEM Technical Letters, 4 (2019) 54-66.

[56] J.E. Wallevik, W. Mansour, O.H. Wallevik, Computational Segregation Analysis During Casting of SCC. In: Mechtcherine V., Khayat K., Secrieru E. (eds) Rheology and Processing of Construction Materials. RheoCon 2019, SCC 2019. RILEM Bookseries, vol 23. Springer, Cham, 2020.

[55] J. E. Wallevik, Measuring Thixotropic Properties in a Truck Mixer - Analysis by Numerical Simulation Using the PFI Material Model. In: Mechtcherine V., Khayat K., Secrieru E. (eds) Rheology and Processing of Construction Materials. RheoCon 2019, SCC 2019. RILEM Bookseries, vol 23. Springer, Cham, 2020.

[54] Jon E. Wallevik, Olafur H. Wallevik, Concrete truck mixer as a rheometer, RheoCon/SCC, 8 - 11 September, Dresden, Germany, 2019.

[53] Jón Elvar Wallevik, Reiknilegt spálíkan fyrir niðurlögn og aðskilnað steypu, Sigmál - fréttabréf steinsteypufélags íslands, 1. tbl. 32 árgangur, Febrúar 2019.

[52] Jón Elvar Wallevik, Reiknilegt spálíkan fyrir niðurlögn steypu, Ársskýrsla 2018, Nýsköpunarmiðstöð Íslands, Apríl 2019. ISBN 978-9935-463-20-3.

[51] Jón Elvar Wallevik, Reiknilegur aðskilnaður í steinsteypu, Sigmál - fréttabréf steinsteypufélags íslands, 1. tbl. 31 árgangur, Mars 2018.

[50] Jon Elvar Wallevik, Olafur Haralds Wallevik, Analysis of shear rate inside a concrete truck mixer, Cement and Concrete Research, 95 (2017), 9-17.

[49] Jón Elvar Wallevik, Reiknilegur aðskilnaður steinsteypu, Ársskýrsla 2017, Nýsköpunarmiðstöð Íslands, Mars 2018. ISBN 978-9935-463-18-0.

[48] Jon Elvar Wallevik, Parallel Plate Based Measuring System for the ConTec Viscometer - Rheological Measurement of Concrete with Dmax 32 mm, Nordic Concrete Research, Publication No. 54, The Nordic Concrete Federation 1/2016, Norsk Betongforening, Oslo, Norway, 2016, pp.50-59.

[47] Jon E. Wallevik, Olafur H. Wallevik, Analysis of Shear Rate inside a Concrete Truck Mixer, SCC 2016 - 8 th International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete, 15-18 May 2016, Washington DC, USA.

[46] Jon E. Wallevik, Wassim Mansour, Olafur H. Wallevik, Computational Segregation Analysis during Casting of SCC, SCC 2016 - 8 th International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete, 15-18 May 2016, Washington DC, USA.

[45] Jon E. Wallevik, Casting of T-beam using The PFI material model ­ influence of thixotropy and structural breakdown, International RILEM Conference on Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering, Conference segment on Fresh Concrete, 22-24 August 2016, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark, Published by RILEM Publications S.A.R.L. ISBN: 978-2-35158-184-1.

[44] Jon E. Wallevik, Olafur H. Wallevik, Concrete truck mixer as a rheometer ­ Computational analysis using OpenFOAM, International RILEM Conference on Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering, Conference segment on Fresh Concrete, 22-24 August 2016, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark, Published by RILEM Publications S.A.R.L. ISBN: 978-2-35158-184-1.

[43] Jon E. Wallevik, Wassim Mansour, Olafur H. Wallevik, OpenFOAM Casting Solver with Segregation, International RILEM Conference on Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering, Conference segment on Fresh Concrete, 22-24 August 2016, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark, Published by RILEM Publications S.A.R.L. ISBN: 978-2-35158-184-1.

[42] Jón Elvar Wallevik, 2016, Blöndun brúarsteypu í steypubíl, Sigmál - Fréttabréf Steinsteypufélags Íslands, 1. tbl. 29. árgangur, Febrúar 2016, pp.9-11.

[41] Wallevik, O.H., F. Dimitri, Wallevik J.E., Khayat K.H. (2015), Avoiding inaccurate interpretations of rheological measurements for cement-based materials, Cement and Concrete Research, Volume 78, Part A, Pages 100­109.

[40] Wallevik, J.E. (2014), Effect of the hydrodynamic pressure on shaft torque for a 4-blades vane rheometer, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow.

[39] Wallevik, J.E., Wallevik O.H. (2014), Analysis of Shear Rate inside a Concrete Truck Mixer as a Function of Drum Charge Volume and Plastic Viscosity, Proceedings of the XXII Nordic Concrete Research Symposium, Reykjavik, ISBN: 978-82-8208-043-9.

[38] Wallevik, J.E. (2014), Effect of Hydrodynamic Pressure in a 4-Blades Vane Rheometer, Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society, Vol. 22 (Editor: Sorvari A.), ISBN 978-91-637-3012-2.

[37] Wallevik, J.E. (2013), Computing the Rheological Behavior of Cement Paste, Understanding the Fundamental Properties of Concrete - Celebrating Professor Erik J. Sellevold on his 75th birthday (Workshop Proceedings), 25th - 26th April 2013, Trondheim, Norway, (Eds: Sidney Mindess and Karla Hornbostel), ISBN 82-7482-101-7.

[36] Feys D., Wallevik J.E., Yahia A., Khayat K.H., Wallevik O.H. (2012); Extension of the Reiner-Riwlin Equation to Determine Modified Bingham Parameters Measured in Coaxial Cylinders Rheometers, Materials and Structures, Springer.

[35] Wallevik, J.E. (2011), Rheometer-4SCC used as a stability meter for SCC, Nordic Concrete rheology workshop - Trondheim (ed. Klaartje De Weerdt), SINTEF Building and Infrastructure, Norway 3 - 4 October 2011, ISBN 978-82-536-1249-2.

[34] Wallevik O.H., Wallevik J.E. (2011); Rheology as a tool in concrete science: The use of rheographs and workability boxes, Cement and Concrete Research 41, 1279 - 1288.

[33] Wallevik, J.E. (2011); Particle Flow Interaction Theory - Thixotropic Behavior and Structural Breakdown, proceedings of 36th Conference on our World of Concrete and Structures, 14-16 August 2011, Singapore, pp. 103 (ISBN 978-981-08-9528-0).

[32] Wallevik, J.E. (2009); The Particle Flow Interaction Theory, Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society, Vol. 17 (Editor: Nevalainen K.), ISBN 978-952-15-2136-2.

[31] Wallevik, J.E. (2009); Development of Parallel Plate-Based Measuring System for the ConTec Viscometer, Proceedings of the 3rd International RILEM Symposium on Rheology of Cement Suspensions such as Fresh Concrete, August 19-21, 2009, Reykjavik, Iceland, RILEM Publications S.A.R.L., ISBN: 978-2-35158-091-2.

[30] Oesterheld S., Wallevik J.E., Wallevik O.H. (2009); Use of Computational Rheology to Analyze the Effect of Stabilizer in Cement Paste, Proceedings of the 3rd International RILEM Symposium on Rheology of Cement Suspensions such as Fresh Concrete, August 19-21, 2009, Reykjavik, Iceland, RILEM Publications S.A.R.L., ISBN: 978-2-35158-091-2.

[29] Heirman G., Van Gemert D., Vandewalle L., Toorman E., Wallevik J.E., Wallevik O.H. (2009); Influence of Plug Flow when Testing Shear Thickening Powder Type Self-Compacting Concrete in a Wide-Gap Concentric Cylinder Rheometer, Proceedings of the 3rd International RILEM Symposium on Rheology of Cement Suspensions such as Fresh Concrete, August 19-21, 2009, Reykjavik, Iceland, RILEM Publications S.A.R.L., ISBN: 978-2-35158-091-2.

[28] Oesterheld S., Wallevik J.E., Wallevik O.H. (2009); Analyzing the Effect of Stabilizers in Cement Paste by Computational Rheology, 17th Ibausil (Internationale Baustofftagung), 23 - 26 September 2009, Weimar, Germany.

[27] Wallevik, J.E. (2009); Prosjektrapport for P653 SKBB DP 6 - Klassifisering og Dokumentasjon (utvikling av stabilitetsmåler for SKB), Report no. NMI 09-01, Innovation Center Iceland

Alias: Utvikling av stabilitetsmåler for SKB, Rapport - P653 SKBB - 9D4/09017, NORCEM, 2009.

[26] Wallevik, J.E., Rheological properties of cement paste: thixotropic behavior and structural breakdown, Cement and Concrete Research, 39 (2009) 14 - 29.

[25] Wallevik, J.E., Minimizing end-effects in the coaxial cylinders viscometer: Viscoplastic flow inside the ConTec BML Viscometer 3. J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 155 (2008) 116-123.

[24] Wallevik, J.E. (2008), Method of Retrieving the Herschel-Bulkley Parameters When Using the (Wide-Gap) Coaxial Cylinders Viscometer, The Third North American Conference on the Design and Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete, November 10-12, 2008, Chicago, IL.

[23] Wallevik, J.E., Relationship between the Bingham parameters and slump. Cement and Concrete Research, 36 (2006) 1214-1221.

[22] Wallevik, J.E., Thixotropic investigation on cement paste: Experimental and numerical approach. J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 132 (2005) 86-99.

[21] Wallevik, J.E. (2005); A New Type of Lignosulfonate Based Superplasticizer for Self-Compacting Concrete; Proceedings of the Second North American Conference on the Design and Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC) and the Fourth International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete, Chicago, USA 2005, A Hanley Wood Publication, ISBN 0-924659-64-5.

[20] Hammer T.A. and Wallevik, J.E. (2005); On the Correlation Between Rheology of Paste, Mortar and Concrete; Proceedings of the Second North American Conference on the Design and Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC) and the Fourth International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete, Chicago, USA 2005, A Hanley Wood Publication, ISBN 0-924659-64-5.

[19] Wallevik, J.E. (2005); Microstructure-Rheology - A Futuristic Tool for the Producers of Cement and Superplasticizers; SINTEF/NTNU Betonginformasjonsdag 2005, SINTEF Report no. STF22 A05150, ISBN 82-14-03568-6 (in Norwegian).

[18] Wallevik, J.E. (2005); Testing a New Type of Lignosulfonate - Effect of Molecular Weight on Workability and Workability Retention; Proceedings Nordic Concrete Research Meeting; Sandefjord, Norway 2005, ISBN 82-91341-91-5.

[17] Beaupre, D., Chapdelaine, F., Domone, P., Koehler, E., Shen, L., Sonebi, M., Struble, L., Tepke, D., Wallevik, O.H. and Wallevik, J.E. (2004); Comparison of Concrete Rheometers: International Tests at MB (Cleveland OH, USA) in May, 2003 (NISTIR 7154); (Editors: F. Ferraris and L. E. Brower); National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST); Gaithersburg, USA.

[16] Wallevik, J.E. (2004); Microstructure-Rheology: Thixotropy and Workability Loss; Nordic Concrete Research, Publication No. 31, The Nordic Concrete Federation 1/2004, Norsk Betongforening, Oslo, Norway, ISBN 82-91341-82-6.

[15] Wallevik, J.E. (2004); Thixotropic behavior of cement pastes; Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society, Vol. 12 (Editor: Mason, S. L.), ISBN 87-988486-3-1.

[14] Wallevik, O.H., Svavarsson, H. and Wallevik, J.E. (2004); Material properties of well cement, second phase; Rb 04-04, UDC 622.241, The Icelandic Building Research Institute (in Icelandic).

[13] Wallevik, J.E. (2003); Computational Rheology; Thixotropic Explorations of Cement Pastes; An Introduction. Proceedings of the 3rd International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete. RILEM Publications S.A.R.L, ISBN 2-912143-42-X.

[12] Wallevik, J.E. (2003); Rheology of Particle Suspensions - Fresh Concrete, Mortar and Cement Paste with Various Types of Lignosulfonates (Ph.D.-thesis); Department of Structural Engineering, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, ISBN 82-471-5566-4, ISSN 0809-103X.

[11] Wallevik, J.E. (2002); The Influence of Temperature on Rheological Behavior of Mortar with Different Types of Lignosulfonates; 3rd Borregaard Symposium on Lignosulfonate and Concrete Admixture - September 23rd - 26th; Stavanger, Norway.

[10] Wallevik, J.E. (2002); Computational Rheology, Thixotropic Explorations of Cement Pastes, An Introduction; 3rd Borregaard Symposium on Lignosulfonate and Concrete Admixture - September 23rd - 26th; Stavanger, Norway.

[9] Wallevik, J.E. (2001); Rheological Measurements on a High Yield Value Bingham Fluid with Low Agitation; Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society, Vol. 9 (Editors: Friis, A. and Mason, S. L.), ISBN 87-988486-0-7.

[8] Banfill, P.F.G., Beaupre, D., Chapdelaine, F., de Larrard, F., Domone, P., Nachbaur, L., Sedran, T., Wallevik, O.H. and Wallevik, J.E. (2001); Comparison of Concrete Rheometers: International Tests at LCPC (Nantes, France) in October, 2000 (NISTIR 6819); (Editors: F. Ferraris and L. E. Brower); National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST); Gaithersburg, USA.

[7] Wallevik, J.E. (1999); Implementation of the Sea Ice Model MCRIM 2.5 to Icelandic Waters; The Icelandic Meteorological Office; Iceland; Report: VI-G99017-UR09 (in Icelandic).

[6] Wallevik, J.E. (1999); Rheological Description on Fresh Concrete as a Function of Time - The Multi-Phase Approach; Proceedings Nordic Concrete Research Meeting; Reykjavik, Iceland 1999, ISBN 82-913-41-27-3.

[5] Wallevik, J.E. (1998); Rheology of Concrete and Matrix Systems - The Single-Phase Approach & Measuring Technique; Borregaard Symposium on Workability and Workability Retention - September 1998; Sarpsborg, Norway.

[4] Wallevik, J.E. (1998); Introduction to the Particle-Matrix Model for Prediction of Workability in Concrete, The Multi-Phase Approach; Borregaard Symposium on Workability and Workability Retention - September 1998; Sarpsborg, Norway.

[3] Wallevik, J.E. and Sigurjonsson, H. (1998); The Koch Index, Formulation, Corrections and Extension; The Icelandic Meteorological Office; Iceland; Report: VI-G98035-UR28.

[2] Wallevik, J.E. and Wallevik, O.H. (1997); Effect of Eccentricity and Tilting in Coaxial Cylinder Viscometers when Testing Cement Paste; Nordic Concrete Research; Publication No. 21, ISBN 82-91341-14-1.

[1] Wallevik, J.E. and Jakobsson, T. (1996); Sea Surface Energy Fluxes in the Iceland and Greenland Seas in 1994 - 1995; The Icelandic Meteorological Office; Iceland; Report: VI-R96002-UR01, ISBN 9979-878-00-2.

Copyright © 2006 Jon E. Wallevik. All rights reserved.